Wednesday, September 22, 2004

My thoughts on the beheadings in Iraq.

The overwhelming majority of Islamic nations are fascist dictatorships. Even the ones that hide behind a religious patriarchy are in reality autocracies. A fascist state maintains itself through intimidation. Intimidation is usually achieved through violence. Violence is the only language the supporters of the former regiem understand because it was the dominate factor in their life.

So let's make it simple for them. One beheading equals one M.O.A.B.

It's simplistic, but I'm sure it'll work.

What threatens religious fundamentalists the most is a free, democratic society in the Middle East. It'll be a stabilizing force in the region. But that takes time and perseverance.

Germany and Japan took years to stabilize with hundreds of US deaths during the occupations. But because it was hard, did that mean we should have left in 1946? Is the world better off after the US rebuilt those nations? Would the world have been better off had we invaded Germany in 1936? How would the world view the USA if we had and would we have been right?


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