Sunday, February 27, 2005

20 questions

Friday, February 25, 2005

Sleeves Clothing

click here

So, what's the message here? We want to look like we're cool enough to get tattooes, but not ballsy enough to actually get in the chair? Die trendy scum.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

-40 weather and water

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

In the service of the Empire

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The moment I realized my youth was behind me

When I woke up this morning I had a screaming headache, dry mouth, dizzy, and of course i vomited. A hangover. ME! I haven't gotten a hang over in years, and that last time, I truly deserved it. This time all I had done was have five or six, maybe seven Buds while playing poker. I knew drinking on a Monday till 2am was a bad idea, but holy crap man! And please let me say that I almost never drink Budwieser, it was all my friend had. The only AB beer i can drink is the Amber Boch.

There was I time I could polish off a 12 pack and be functional the following morning.
Pathetic. I have to either step up my drinking activities, or severly curtail them. I haven't decided which just yet.

Monday, February 21, 2005

First light on Titan

Explanation: This color view from Titan gazes across a suddenly familiar but distant landscape on Saturn's largest moon. The scene was recorded by ESA's Huygens probe after a 2 1/2 hour descent through a thick atmosphere of nitrogen laced with methane. Bathed in an eerie orange light at ground level, rocks strewn about the scene could well be composed of water and hydrocarbons frozen solid at an inhospitable temperature of - 179 degrees C. The light-toned rock below and left of center is only about 15 centimeters across and lies 85 centimeters from the probe. Touching down at 4.5 meters per second, the saucer-shaped probe is believed to have penetrated 15 centimeters or so into a surface with the consistency of wet sand or clay. Huygen's batteries are now exhausted but the probe transmitted data for more than 90 minutes after landing. Titan's bizarre chemical environment may bear similarities to planet Earth's before life evolved.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Iwo Jima

60 years ago today

Friday, February 18, 2005

I hope this guy lost all his teeth!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well, I'll be humming this tomorrow...

Monday, February 14, 2005

My new favorite word

Anhedonia - inability to feel joy or pleasure.

it's a good word to use in a retort. Example :"Tell me, have you ever been diagnosed as anhedonic?"

Lawyer convicted for assisting terrorists

NEW YORK -- A veteran civil rights lawyer was convicted yesterday of crossing the line by smuggling messages of violence from one of her jailed clients -- a radical Egyptian sheik -- to his terrorist followers on the outside.

The jury deliberated 13 days over the past month before convicting Lynne Stewart, 65, an activist known for representing radicals and revolutionaries in her 30 years on the New York legal scene.

Stewart slumped in her chair as the verdict was read, shaking her head and later wiping tears from her eyes. Her supporters gasped upon hearing the conviction, and about two dozen of them followed her out of court, chanting, "Hands off Lynne Stewart!"

She vowed to appeal and blamed the conviction on evidence that included videotape of Osama bin Laden urging support for her client. The defense protested the bin Laden evidence, and the judge warned jurors that the case did not involve the events of Sept. 11.

She's guilty of blatant treason. 20 years is not enough. I'm not a supporter of the death penalty. History is shown that the death penalty does not deter crime. Crime rates in states that have and use the death penalty are statistically even with those without. I also don't think the state has the right to take revenge when the state isn't the victim. But for treason, the federal government is the victim. It is my view that treason is the only crime punishable with death.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

What Blogging was meant for

The NFL Cheerleader Blog

Lifted from the blog of Tall James

Thursday, February 10, 2005

This made me giggle

I don't know why.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Proposed Budget Would Strip TSA of Its Biggest Programs

(The Washington Post)
By Sara Kehaulani Goo, Page A06, February 09, 2005

"The Transportation Security Administration, the primary government agency entrusted with protecting travelers from terrorist attacks aboard commercial airliners, faces a large-scale dismantling under President Bush's 2006 budget proposal.

If approved by Congress, the proposal would strip the TSA of its biggest and most high-profile programs and leave it largely as a manager of 45,000 security screeners at a time when airports may now elect to replace the federal screeners with those employed by private companies.

The Bush budget calls for the Department of Homeland Security to create an office called Screening Coordination and Operations that would absorb some programs of TSA and other divisions. The office would oversee records on millions of Americans and foreigners in vast databases that contain digital fingerprints and photographs, eye scans and personal information from travelers and transportation workers. The move is meant to prevent overlap among the various programs now scattered across the department and improve efficiency.

Officials are now exploring whether "there are ways to closely coordinate and integrate these. Can they be married up?" said Homeland Security spokesman Dennis Murphy. "Are there some savings by standardizing and even merging these? We're constantly looking for those opportunities."

Homeland Security officials said the new office would combine all of the department's experts who are working on new technologies, privacy issues and databases. Government officials want to explore whether a program designed to vet the backgrounds of airline passengers, for example, would work for screening travelers using other modes of transportation.

If approved, the Screening Coordination and Operations office would include:

. Secure Flight, a proposed TSA program that would probe the backgrounds of each traveler who books an airline ticket and determine whether they should receive additional screening.

. Registered Traveler, TSA's program now being tested at Reagan National Airport and four others that allows frequent travelers to submit digital fingerprints and undergo a background check in exchange for receiving a fast pass through the airport checkpoint.

. Transportation Worker Identity Credential, a pilot TSA program that verifies the identities and backgrounds of airport workers, truck drivers and port employees and allows them access to secure areas.

. US VISIT, a program from the Customs and Border Protection division of the department that collects digital fingerprints and photographs of foreign visitors.

. International Registered Traveler, a newly announced program that would speed customs and immigration processing for some frequent international travelers who submit to a background check. It is now being tested at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.

The consolidation of programs worries privacy activists who fear the
government is seeking to create a national surveillance system. "This confirms our worst fears that DHS will become a one-stop shop for background checks on a wide variety of Americans, ranging from airline passengers to train travelers to workers in a variety of industries," said Barry Steinhardt, director of the technology and liberty program at the American Civil Liberties Union. Steinhardt said the new office would allow the government to maintain records on tens of millions of Americans each year.

The proposal has fueled long-circulated rumors that the TSA -- which was created a year before the Department of Homeland Security and is now a part of it -- would eventually become folded into its other divisions. Homeland Security spokesman Murphy declined to comment, but noted that the administration has proposed $5.5 billion for TSA in 2006.

"Five billion [dollars] is a healthy budget for a healthy agency," said TSA spokesman Mark O. Hatfield Jr. "We will continue to deliver on our critical security mission."

TSA was once praised by Congress for serving on the front lines to protect the nation from another terrorist attack, but its public stumbles -- including its overpayment of contractors by hundreds of millions of dollars and reports that its security screeners still fail to catch guns and knives at checkpoints -- have made it a target for criticism on Capitol Hill.

Already, the Federal Air Marshal service has left TSA to join another division of Homeland Security. It also lost its science and technology division to another part of the agency. TSA officials said they are reorganizing staff responsible for rail, truck and maritime transportation.

"TSA is beginning to look like a corporate entity, not a government entity," said Stephen D. Van Beek, an airport lobbyist, noting that much of the agency's funding now comes from fees that travelers pay through airline tickets."

Oh Please let the TSA be dismantled.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Welsh rugby fan cuts off own testicles after win

Vintage Commodore Vic-20 Commercial, Feat. William Shatner

Monday, February 07, 2005

If I were a monkey,

Sunday, February 06, 2005

George Bush Conspiracy theory Generator

George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that oil companies could steal from The United Nations.

Try one here

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Banana Phone!

click here for Banana Phone 1

Click here for Banana Phone 2

This comes from a recent O & A bit.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

NHL Lockout

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Click here to download

i hope this isn't going to cause a resurgence of those stupid breakdancing movies from the 80's.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

'U.S. Should Not Help Tsunami Victims' so says The Ayn Rand Institute